-pokes self in eye- owwww.
I am Revolution :: Words :: Journals :: Carmen
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-pokes self in eye- owwww.
have to redo that poster that i did for music.
too much black apparently.
in other news:
watching around the world in 80 days.
want fooooooood.
friend came over and did more paint.
still sleeping on the couch.
can't get on the internet on my laptop so i'm on my dad's computer.
apparently there's a hockey game friday.
haha. we were discussing why humans are dominant today in psych.
i disagreed with the statement. i don't believe we are.
and i argued that point valiantly.
ha. i'm a bitch.
we also had to reason 'what makes us human?'
i said nothing. we are what we are and what we are is not so different from anything else.
yeah. people don't like me.
have to redo that poster that i did for music.
too much black apparently.
in other news:
watching around the world in 80 days.
want fooooooood.
friend came over and did more paint.
still sleeping on the couch.
can't get on the internet on my laptop so i'm on my dad's computer.
apparently there's a hockey game friday.
haha. we were discussing why humans are dominant today in psych.
i disagreed with the statement. i don't believe we are.
and i argued that point valiantly.
ha. i'm a bitch.
we also had to reason 'what makes us human?'
i said nothing. we are what we are and what we are is not so different from anything else.
yeah. people don't like me.
I am Revolution :: Words :: Journals :: Carmen
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